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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Truth and Lies

Today’s text has some echoes of our text from Sunday – Jesus finds himself in a verbal sparring match. During the debate Jesus reveals that the reason His opponents can’t hear the truth is because of their hearts and their commitments. They aren’t willing, or able, to hear the voice of God. As you study today, consider commitments or conditions of your heart that may be keeping you from hearing the truth. 


Click here to access the reading from John 8:31-47        
For more help use this Bible Study method


Truth and Lies
by Diane Ward

Among the binary contrasts of the Gospel of John are darkness and light; those who believe and accept Jesus and those who reject him; freedom and slavery; life and death, those who serve God and those who serve Satan.

Lying is Satan’s primary weapon of deceit and seduction aimed at God’s children. He is the father of lies twisting the truth and distorting reality. He is the author of cynicism, skepticism, mistrust, and despair. Satan has told more lies to more people (including angels) than any being ever created. His success depends on people believing his lies. The apostle Paul tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)

Humility is always truth, the blunt acknowledgment that I owe my life and being to Another, and that he cannot and will not have a relationship with pretenders in the Spirit. (The Ragamuffin Gospel: Brennan Manning.)

Jesus defeated Satan at the cross and will ultimately defeat him at the end of time as we know it. Coventry Cathedral in England was severely damaged by bombing during World War II. On an outside wall is a sculpture of Michael the archangel subduing the fallen Lucifer. Jesus came to destroy the works of the Satan. (1 John 3:8)

With Satan’s first “recorded lie” we lost Paradise. (Genesis 3:4) With our adoption into God’s family through Jesus’ death and resurrection, Paradise is restored to us forever in the Father’s house.

As Jesus the light and truth of the world stood before Pilate, truth was on trial as Pilate asked, “what is truth?” (John 18:38) It is not God’s plan for us that our hearts and minds should wander in search of truth, repeating Pilate’s question. We know the truth and it has set us free!

In the midst of all the messages being heard, pray for accurate information to drown out false reporting and click-bait tactics.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truth needs to be heard & lies destroyed