In these seals we hear the
question of the suffering church – how long will God allow His people to suffer
while evil thrives? This same question was also asked by the people of God in
the Old Testament. The answer comes back assures them both that justice is
coming (judgement will take place) and that God is merciful (that He is still
drawing more people to Himself). If you have a study Bible, look for the many
ways that this passage draws from the prophetic language of the Old Testament –
connecting the 1st century church both forward to the judgement of God,
and backward to the story of Israel.
Click here to access the reading from Revelation 6:9-17
Who Can Withstand?
By Judy Webb
That said, I know that these fiction books about being left behind, were just that, fiction, but tinged with enough fact to entice me and whet my appetite for more. Today, as we study this book of Revelation, I am reminded of that season. And, as I dig in deeper into this final book of the Bible, I find I am hooked all over again. Using several study guides along with a couple different versions of the Bible, I balance on the edge of my seat in anticipation of a great story.
"I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red..."(Revelation 6:12 NIV) Many see these chapters as frightening. At first glance they don't feel loving or merciful but chaotic and scary. It is worth noting that Matthew 24:29 speaks of this same happening. "Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken."
Rampant evil will bring suffering to the world in general and to the church in particular. Isaiah 34:4 speaks to this time also. All the stars in the sky will be dissolved and the heavens rolled up like a scroll; all the starry host will fall like withered leaves from the vine like shriveled figs from the fig tree.
This section of our reading for today concludes with verse 17. For the
great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?" Indeed,
who can withstand it? Can I, can you? The answer is in the next
chapter...are you on the edge of your seat yet? We will learn that some are
able to stand before God and The Lamb, not by social position, but by grace.
(Revelation and the End of all Things...p.92)
WEDNESDAY WISDOM – Pray for wisdom in these times as we all work
toward protecting lives and consider the livelihoods of millions hurt by the
economic impact.
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