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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Foundations of the City

In today’s text we see rich symbolism, deepening the vision of the ‘City of God.’ Notice in the passage the things that are not a part of the new Jerusalem. What do you learn about eternity from the things which are not part of this picture?

Click here to access the reading from Revelation 21:15-27

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A Hope and a Future
By Judy Webb

Much of what we have read in Revelation up to now has filled us with angst and fear of the future. Our hearts beat faster with each new visual placed before us. We stand in wonder at all that will happen – the destruction and death that must take place in preparation for the new beginning, the arrival of the New Jerusalem.

The New Jerusalem, where we will find ourselves back in the garden-where it all began. The Tree of Life is standing where it was first placed. The garden has walls, but they are made of precious and beautiful gems. Each wall has 3 gates (12 in all) and they never shut. These gates aren’t to keep nations out, but to provide access to God.

“I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its Temple.” (Revelation 21:22)

When reading from the book of Revelation it is always wise to read and study with an open mind, one that is seeking truth, not discerning the future. I am sure you realize that this is easier said than done, especially given everything that is happening in our would this year 2020. When we consider all these things, and find ourselves drawing parallels between then and now, it is wise to remember that Revelation was written for the 7 churches in the province of Asia. (Rev. 1:4)

History repeats itself; and the sins of our ancestors are often dredged up again in our time. The wickedness of Babylon; centuries later, the overwhelming evil of Rome, and yet again the vile corruption and practices of the Nazi’s. This list goes on and on until Christ returns. 

That is the reason we aren’t to guess when He is coming, we must always be on our guard, we must always be ready to tell the reason for our hope. (1 Peter 3:15) We should never sit back and wait because we feel the end is here. Until that day we have the duty and privilege to tell of the Good News. So, don’t get comfortable, stay alert. Faith has a future and that future will be with God and the Lamb.

WEDNESDAY WISDOM – Pray for wisdom in these times as we all work toward protecting lives and consider the livelihoods of millions hurt by the economic impact.

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