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Monday, October 26, 2020

David Makes Solomon King

Near the end of David’s life, it comes time for a new king to take the throne. His son Adonijah lays claim to the throne, only for David to take action and install Solomon instead. Solomon is David’s son with Bathsheba. Famously, David’s greatest failure had been taking advantage of Bathsheba and to kill her husband. Rather than hiding from his sin, David repented and made commitments to Bathsheba and her son. The royal line of David would be carried on by Bathsheba’s son, Solomon, which is why you find Bathsheba remembered in the genealogy of Jesus. As you read, consider how God works, even through the worst of circumstances.


Click here to access the reading from 1 Kings 1:28-53

For more help use this Bible Study method


by Nancy Gleeson

David chose Solomon, not just for a leadership role but for a spiritual role in God’s plan. Solomon’s faithfulness to God revealed the mercy of the Lord. He gave Adonijah an opportunity to repent instead of the punishment he deserved. We see the grace of God when Adonijah asked for forgiveness and it was granted. Solomon reflected God’s heart and right now, we need people who can have spiritual eyes to see the times with the discernment that comes from God. We need people to sense the movement of the spirit of God and act decisively.

With the upcoming election of new leaders, let us pray that God raises up servants with a spirit of discernment.  We need people with the ability to see what God is doing and stand up, in faith, and act by faith. During times of trouble and suffering when Satan seems to have won the battle, we know God is the victor and His plans prevail! The spread of the Gospel around the world is happening and nothing can stop it. God’s plan is coming to fruition! 

We need prayer to help us discern the times and to have faith to act decisively. God will raise up Christians who can have the faith and love to reflect Christ in the world. His promise of a resurrection is something that will happen and by the grace of God, we will be a part of it.



HUMILITY - Soften our hearts to one another. Give us eyes to see our common humanity, each of us and all of us created in your image, and give us the gift of empathy, to care deeply about one another.

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