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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Solomon Asks for Wisdom

Solomon’s request is perhaps his most famous moment. Faced with a situation all of us would dream of – the granting of a wish by God – Solomon asks for wisdom. As you read, consider why Solomon asked for wisdom, and why God was pleased with this request. Is it because wisdom is especially good, or is there something else taking place?


Read today's text here 1 Kings 3:1-15

For more help use this Bible Study method


The Power of God's Word 

by Tom Richards

Today we read about Solomon’s request for a “discerning heart”. Of all the things that Solomon could have asked God for, he makes this request. What a great decision!

It is significant to note that Solomon recognized his need for a discerning heart/wisdom. He has inherited the throne of Israel from his father David and in 1 Kings 3:7 he states, “But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties.” Solomon was probably around twenty years old when he made this profession and apparently felt like he “was in over his head” when he asked for wisdom.

It is also significant to note that Solomon recognized God was the source of wisdom. In Proverbs 2:6 Solomon tells us “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” and in Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

In our reading Solomon asks for “a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.” It seems like there is a lot of confusion today about what is right and wrong. Many people seem to believe that all truth is “relative” and nothing is absolute. But as believers we know that God reveals truth in his word. While none of us are as wise as Solomon, we can know right from wrong and strive to live accordingly. God is truly the source of wisdom and thanks to the power of his word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit we can learn truth and share it with a hungry world.

Dear Lord, like Solomon, help us to recognize our need for wisdom. Like Solomon, help us to recognize that you are the source of wisdom. Like Solomon, help us to seek wisdom for our daily lives. And like Solomon, please give our leaders, in the church and in the world, a discerning heart to distinguish between right and wrong. Thank you for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus that gives us direct access to your throne, and for the gifts of your word and the Holy Spirit to guide us in truth.  Amen.



TUESDAY: UNITY: God of peace, we pray for de-polarized, non-defensive pursuit of truth, unity, and equality. We pray for well engaged minds. Set us free from the competing narratives of our culture wars that funnel us into opposing camps and make of us a house divided. Kindle in us a desire for your truth that is larger than our desire to have been right.

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