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Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Covenant Renewed at Schechem

Joshua leads Israel after Moses’ death. It is Joshua who gets to lead the people into the promised land and experience the fulfillment of God’s promise. Now here, at the end of Joshua’s life, he leads the people in a renewal of the covenant, just as Moses had done. Joshua’s life was coming to a close, and the people had entered the land, but the promise of God continued – His work of salvation was not complete! He was still working, and still making a way for the salvation of His people.


Read in Joshua 24:1-27

 For more help use this Bible Study method


My Story – God’s Story

by Mary McGinnis

Do you have certain stories from your life that you love to tell?  One of my favorites is about when I was born.  My Dad told me this story a few years before he died.   

I was a preemie, born 6 weeks before my due date. I developed jaundice, had to be placed in an incubator, and the prognosis was not promising. Back in “those days,” the chances of survival for preemies was much lower. The doctor came into my Mom’s hospital room and told them that the next 24 hours was going to be critical.  

Dad turned to my Mom and said, 

“God gave her to us. He can have her back if He wants her.”

Story after story in my life, I see how God’s hand has been right there with me every step of the way. Even when the pull of my sinful nature, the pain of trails, and the influence of the world around me threatened to undo me.

In today’s reading, Joshua is asking the people of God to do an inventory of their life stories, to reflect upon key points in their lives. As Joshua pinpoints various points on the timelines of their history, he uses some key phrases.

He says, “Thus says the Lord . . .

“I took you. . .”

“I gave you. . .”

“I sent you . . .”

and afterward I brought you out. . .”

“Your eyes saw what I did . . .”

“I delivered you . . .”

“I brought you out . . .”

“I gave them (your enemies) into your hand . . .”

“I gave you a land on which you had not labored and cities that you had not built, and you dwell in them. You eat the fruit of vineyards and olive orchards that you did not plant.”

Joshua’s conclusion then is “Choose this day whom you will serve.” 

What about you? Why not take a few moments TODAY to do a timeline of your own life? Include the key moments from the time of your birth, your childhood, and specific key events in your adult life. Next to each moment, use the phrases above as prompts. Look for where God’s story of rescue, deliverance, grace, and mercy have been woven into the tapestry of your life story. 

Then consider this. Are you being pulled into the allure of serving your sinful nature, giving into the pain of trails, or bowing down to the influence of the world around you? 

Some feel a life lived for God is a bad choice; but to what do they compare it?  


As Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68).


Prayer Practice: Remembrance of baptism. Our baptism is a moment of covenant with God – we enter relationship with Him. He commits Himself to us, and promises us salvation, and we commit ourselves to Him in worship, faith, and obedience. Take time today to revisit that covenant – to refresh your faith in His promises, and your commitment to trust in and worship Him alone.


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