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Friday, October 16, 2020

The Death of Moses

Having led the people out of Egypt, Moses spends his final years with them in the desert. Though he was powerfully used by God, he was by no means perfect. And though he played a large part in the work God was doing, he did not get to experience the blessing of entering the promised land. However, before Moses dies, God shows him the promised land, assuring Moses that God would, indeed, keep His promise.


Click here to access the reading from Deuteronomy 34:1-12 

For more help use this Bible Study method


The Promised Land Achieved!

By Judy Webb 

The death of Moses was mourned by many. The Israelites, under Moses’ leadership, discipline, and love, became a family, and families mourn together and then move on as their loved one would want.

Then the LORD said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.” (Deuteronomy 34:4)

When I first realized that Moses never entered the Promised Land which he pursued for half his life, I initially felt cheated for him. I couldn’t understand how God could do this to him. String him along all those years, dangling that carrot, only to deny him entrance to this land.

But those thoughts were early in my Christian walk before I began to seek His heart and understand (if from a human perspective), God’s ways. While I still don’t understand many things, I accept them because I know they are perfect in every way. And I am not.

What a man Moses must have been. What a patient man with forgiveness and love a major part of his makeup. And the Israelite nation was the benefactor of His character. This begs the question, who is a benefactor of our character?

The most impactful take-away from this scripture reading came to me while taking one of my many walks throughout the day. I was mulling all this over in my head and suddenly I got smacked alongside the head. Moses did enter the Promised Land…Heaven. And Heaven is promised to each of us too.


FAITH - Pray for faith instead of fear, that many would come to faith in Jesus and that we would all trust God more deeply during this time.

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