The story of Esther is
another story of God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people, even in exile. Esther
and her people live in a foreign land, even as many Jews had returned to the
promised land and had begun to rebuild (as you read yesterday). In today’s
reading we hear the end of Esther’s story – where because of her bravery, all
Jews, whether in Jerusalem or in exile, were permitted to worship God freely.
Like the story of the rebuilding of the temple, this is a story of God’s
faithfulness to His people, and of their relationship to Him through worship.
Click here to access the reading from Esther 8:1-17
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A Domino Effect
by Jeff Morlock
When I was a kid I loved setting up dominoes. Spaced just the right distance apart, going up and down and around corners. It gave me great satisfaction to touch the first domino and watch all the others fall in sequence. The book of Esther is like that, I think. Each seemingly random event in the book triggers another, Yet taken individually, they appear unconnected.
Athough secretly Jewish, Esther is chosen queen of Persia because of her beauty. Then King Xerxes
writes an edict declaring that all Jews in the country should to be killed, simply
because Haman, whom the king had promoted, got angry when Esther's cousin, Mordecai
failed to stand and salute him. Finally, when Esther begs the king to
save her and her people from this awful edict, the king’s decision is the falling
domino that seals Haman’s fate, and makes a way forward for God’s people.
What’s strange about the book of Esther is that God’s name is never mentioned. What we see is simply that the first edict the king gives is for death. Then comes Esther's request, and a second royal edict is given for life. Similarly, within the larger context of the Scriptures, it is because of our sin that God pronounced an edict of death over all humanity. It was an edict that we couldn't change or overturn despite our best efforts. But God made a way for sinful human beings by sending his only begotten Son, Jesus to die the death that we deserve and be raised again to life. For those who believe on his name, Jesus gives pronounces a second edict of life, abundant and eternal.
So when your life seems like a stream of random circumstances threatening to overwhelm you or do you in, you can appeal to to Christ Jesus, our risen and ascended King, who is seated at the right hand of his Father in heaven. This story points to him, the One who has authority over every circumstance you will ever face. He mercifully stands behind every twist and turn for you. He uses every up and down for your benefit and the benefit of those around you. Will you trust that truth today? And believe that God can use you as he did Esther, to accomplish his purpose?
PRAYER: Lord ,you have authority over the circumstances of our lives and world. We thank you that you are always at work for our good, even when we can't see how. Grant us the courage of Esther to pray expectantly and to boldly join you in your mission to set the oppressed free. In the name of our Risen King, Jesus. Amen.
FAITH - Pray for faith instead of fear, that many would come to faith in Jesus and that we would all trust God more deeply during this time.
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