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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Dedication of Temple and Passover

Solomon would build the temple, but it would not last forever as David had, no doubt, hoped. Solomon would turn from the LORD and fall into sin and idolatry. The people of God would do the same. Because of this sin, the people of Israel would be removed from the promised land, and the temple Solomon built would be destroyed. In today’s reading, you will jump ahead in the story to see the time that the temple was re-built and dedicated. This reinforces the truth that God remains faithful, even when we are faithless, and will provide a way for His people.


Click here to access the reading from Ezra 6:15-22

For more help use this Bible Study method




Undying Faithfulness

by Kelsey Bacon

Have you ever had those moments in your life when you can so clearly see God's redemptive work? Maybe you'd been struggling for awhile, or maybe a tragedy occurred, or maybe you were praying to see God's presence. And then suddenly you can see him working so clearly, day after day. One thing after another appears and you just know that it's God at work and there is such joy in each of those moments.

This is how I imagine the Israelites felt in this moment in history. They had seen struggle, they had seen hardship, they had doubted, turned away, turned back. They had seen exile and destruction, utter grief and loss. And now God was redeeming them, so clearly working to lift them back up, to bring them joy. The temple was rebuilt, their identity as a nation was being restored, and the Israelites knew it was by no work of their own. They recognized God for his goodness, for his undying faithfulness, and they praised him for it. Imagine the joy of that year's Passover feast, the relief and praise and life that filled the Israelites that year as the recognized God's redeeming work in their life.

I encourage you to think today about God's faithfulness. How has God been faithful to you in your life? In your past, how has he shown you his faithfulness and brought you joy despite your circumstances?

And right now, in this very moment, how is God showing you his faithfulness? And where is God bringing you joy?

Seek out the signs of God's redemptive work in your life. He is the reason for the joy that we have, and so often we get caught up in our own busy lives, or the craziness of this world, and we miss the true work of God right in front of us. Open your eyes today to God's faithfulness right where you are, and find joy in him.




ThursdaysLIFE Lord God Almighty, we lament the current distress of our nation and we ask for your intervention. We implore you that every precious life would be protected – lives of minorities, lives of the unborn, lives of the hopeless, lives of the mentally ill, lives with deep roots in this land, lives who have recently arrived -- each and every precious life for whom You gave Your precious life.






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