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Monday, June 21, 2021

Wives and Husbands


Ephesians 5:21-33



Wives and Husbands

by Pr. Dave Mann


This passage is one which tends to be controversial because some believe that it subjugates women below men.  Before I share a positive message from these verses, allow me to make two qualifying points.

  1. Note that verse 22 addresses the relationship between a wife and her own husband.  These verses do not address the relationship between all women and all men.
  2. It is important to note that the position of women in society in the 1st century was generally quite servile. The very fact that the Apostle Paul addresses women at all and challenges husbands to love their wives is already extraordinary.

Having made those two points, note that verse 21 sets a framework of mutual honor and care between husband and wife – “Submit to one another.” The foundation for this reciprocal care for each other is not based on the inherent worth or superiority of one over another, but rather “out of reverence for Christ” -- to live in a way that brings honor to Christ.


Both the wife and husband are then given serious exhortations to serve the needs of their spouse. In verses 22-24, the wife is called on to submit to her own husband. Then in the summary (verse 33), the wife is encouraged to respect her husband.


The majority of this passage is addressed to husbands. Though the call to husbands never employs the word “submit,” the challenge nonetheless is quite rigorous. 

  • Love your wife as Christ loved the church.
  • Give yourself up for her.
  • Love your wife as you love your own body.
  • In the same way as you feed and care for your own body, take care of the needs of your wife.
  • You are members of the body of Christ and therefore you will behave self-sacrificially as Christ did.

If a husband loves, cares for, and cherishes his wife in this manner, there is no way that she will feel oppressed or subjugated.


When the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to pen this passage, He was establishing a wholly new way for 1st century believers (and for 21st century believers) to relate to each other in marriage.  There is no place for a power struggle, no place for thoughts of superiority or inferiority in Christian marriage.  We are called to serve each other, to place each other as more important than ourselves.


Holy Spirit, would you guard Christian marriages from the spirit of the age that plants the seed of seeking power and superiority. I pray that you would lead us all into mutual service, yielding a harvest of joy and contentment.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Spoken Prayer – Out loud, pray for God to speak to you through your reading. Praise God for giving us His word. Ask the Spirit to help you read with faith, and to live out what you hear from God through the passage.

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