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Friday, May 21, 2010

Company is Coming -- Mark 1:1-8

When my family is coming for a visit I prepare for this special company. Extra effort is put into cleaning and sprucing up the house. Particular attention is paid to the guestroom. Flowers may be placed on a table; the windows cleaned so that the sun can shine in and brighten up the area. It is important to make the house welcoming and warm.

The visit is much more pleasant when things are prepared ahead of time. We can concentrate on enjoying each others company and not have to stop and clean the house or arrange a place for guests to sleep.

John the Baptist is telling people someone special is about to arrive and this is good news. (Mark 1:3 "a voice of one calling in the desert, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.'") John is instructing the crowds to prepare to be amazed and prepare to change, clean your house, so to speak, get ready. The special guest is Jesus and the Good News is that He brings salvation to all who believe. To those who believe He also gives them the Holy Spirit. (Mark 1:8 “I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.")

Dear God,
Prepare me for your arrival. Show me what I need to do to enjoy my time with you; what area needs special attention before your appearance? How can I get my heart ready for you? Amen.

Read the Scripture text on Biblegateway Mark 1:1-8 

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