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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Let's Be Time Travelers, Isaiah 61:1-8

Let's play a game. Have you ever wanted to go back in time? Where would you go? At what point in history would you like to visit? I have many places and times I would like to witness, but seeing Jesus read this passage in the synagogue, would be high on my list.

Can you imagine being the "you" of 2010, sitting in the room when Jesus read from Isaiah 61? "The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,"

I bet you could cut the tension with a knife. Jesus was telling all who were present that he was the Messiah, the long awaited deliverer of Israel. I get excited just typing those words. It feels so real to me that I am reminded we have a time machine; it is the Word of God with the Holy Spirit.

Take a trip today, open the Word and let the Spirit take you back to when it all happened. Don’t let the binding of the book bind you. The word is alive and active, be an eye witness to the Messiah. Jesus has come, and today he still preaches good news to the poor, and binds up the brokenhearted.

Read this passage on Biblegateway Isaiah 61:1-8

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