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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Shortcut John 4:1-9

Do you ever take shortcuts? There are different types of shortcuts like those that result in less than favorable tasting meals. It is never wise to shortcut a favorite family recipe. After 25 years I cannot dish up banana cream pie without hearing a joke about the time I served this favorite dish but omitted the key ingredient—bananas.

Another type of shortcut is one that gets us from point A to point B quicker. We take shortcuts when we are in a hurry. A shortcut is usually the fastest route and may save us valuable time; but it may also buy us time. Time to connect with someone we haven’t seen for a while, or to sit and talk to a person who is lonely. Often in life, it is the shortcuts that make for the best use of our time.

When Jesus left Judea for Galilee He and the disciples took a shortcut through Samaria. They weren’t in a hurry, but Jesus did have a mission. There was a woman in Samaria he needed to spend time with. This day, I am going to look for opportunities to save time so that I can spend it on someone who needs to know they matter.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

You are right on! God will use you in this.