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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hold On For Dear Life, John 20:11-18

This past December my husband and I took a much needed vacation. We went on a four day cruise, while my mom flew to our home to watch our three year old, Evan. This was the first time I was away from Evan for more than a day. As much as I needed and enjoyed the time with my husband, I have to admit when I came home I held on to my son extra tight.

In our passage today we have Mary seeing the risen Lord and crying out “teacher!” This is notable since a rabbi back then would not have spent time teaching women. We see a special relationship between Jesus and this woman. But I like the next verse, Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me…” I can just see it. Mary is hugging her Savior. After thinking Jesus was dead I’m sure she held on extra tight, not wanting to be separated from him again.

I want that relationship with Jesus. I want to cling to him and his word every day. I will hold on tight so nothing can steal Him from me.

Read today scripture on Biblegateway John 20:11-18

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