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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Light Bulb Moment - Psalm 119:129-136

Have you ever had an eye-opening experience, perhaps an ah-ha moment when some mystery is finally cleared up? Maybe you have spent time worrying over an issue or predicament, fretting about what to do next when suddenly it becomes so clear and you ask yourself, “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

Psalm 119:130 speaks to this dilemma. “The unfolding of your words gives light: it give understanding to the simple.” The word unfolding means: revealing, interpreting, having the words enter our hearts. The more that we dig into scripture and read and study, the more we allow its meaning to unfold for us. It is like a three step process:
  • Read  - Scripture and pray for eyes to be opened 
  • Understand  - As we pray the meaning unfolds for us
  • Behave - The Words of Scripture convict us to conduct ourselves accordingly
God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12).  This is good news for you and me.  It is encouraging to learn that God is speaking to me today; His Word becomes more clear every time I turn to it.  His words certainly do give us light.

Read the text for today's Scripture selection at Biblegateway Psalm 119:129-136
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