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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Step By Step -- Isaiah 9:1-7

While on a short-term mission trip to Honduras a few years ago, I discovered how important it is to walk with a light. Having left my lantern back at the compound, I found myself gingerly picking my way back from dinner and evening devotions in total darkness. Forced to choreograph each step cautiously, it became a matter of life and death. The unfamiliar path, peppered with stones and unexpected dips in the terrain, contributed to my mounting fear. Moving forward was dangerous without proper illumination.

I discovered what it is like to walk in total darkness, without any light to spread along the path before me. It is inevitable I will stumble, fall or at the very least stub my toes.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2 NIV)

This experience reminded me of the many years that I did walk in darkness. I needed much more than a flashlight to show me where I needed to step next. Once I began walking with the light of Jesus to guide me, I could never imagine moving forward any other way.

Read the entire Scripture text at Biblegateway Isaiah 9:1-7 

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