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Monday, July 19, 2010

Abram and God - Genesis 12

Do you notice when you become comfortable in life, things start to change? Abram, comfortable and successful, heard God speak and his life changed forever. God told Abram to go to a new land. God promised not only a new land, but a nation and a blessing.

“So Abram left, as the Lord had told him…” I am awed by the trust, obedience, and confident faith of Abram. Leaving his homeland and family to set out from the safe and secure to take on the incredible unknown is hard to imagine.

In today’s reading, Abram’s strong faith shows weakness. Abram lies. God rescues him, his wife, and all he brought with him. His actions seem out of place since he earlier responded without question and immediately in obedience to God.

It is obvious that Abram is human and therefore struggles with his faith. His strength to obey God, amid his failures and difficulties, is evident through the desire and courage found in his heart.

Abram's story reminds us that faith grows through encounters with the incredible patience and grace of God. When we choose to make trust and obedience the desire of our hearts, God works through any troubles, obstacles, and temptations to bless us by strengthening our faith.

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Read today's text on Biblegateway, Genesis 12.

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