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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Abram to Egypt; parts from Lot - Genesis 13:1-18

Life is filled with opportunities and choices. Have you ever regretted a decision you made? It is so easy to spout off the top of your head, a decision. Choosing to decide without weighing the consequences can lead to regret and pain. The saying, "Let's sleep on it," is a wise thought. How often I change my mind after having opportunity to pray about something. It is during this prayer process that I think things through thoroughly, weighing the ups and the downs.

When Abram and Lot decided to go their separate ways, Lot looked around and saw where the most promising and well-watered land existed and chose to move there. He took the best share of the land even though it meant living near Sodom. Life is filled with choices and at times our choices bear spiritual consequences.

Abram settled in Canaan and God blessed his choice. “for all the land which you see I will give you and your descendants forever.” (Genesis 13:15)

Is there a choice you are struggling with today?  Perhaps this text could help you make a good decision and become a fruitful path for you.

Read the entire Scripture text for today at Biblegateway and Genesis 13

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