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Sunday, July 11, 2010

All Things Created - Genesis 1

When I was a child, my favorite times were those spent at grandma and grandpa's house. Grandpa loved to tell us stories. Every story he told began with, "Once upon a time." When we heard those words we knew he was starting from the beginning with a favorite fairy tale, and we were going to love it.

When I open my Bible to the first book, Genesis, and begin reading the first line, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," I am reminded of that magical time of my youth. Grandpa not only told us stories like The Three Bears, he would also tell us Bible stories like Adam and Eve. My sister and I would make a game of it when Grandpa shared this story. We would point to items in a National Geographic Magazine and ask, "Did God make this?" Patiently he would respond to every finger point and question with, "Yes, God made that too."

For me it is an exciting part of reading the first chapter of Genesis, as it is revealed to us that, "Yes, God made the earth, and light, and day and night and sea and land and plants and animals and people." It is fun reading Genesis and remembering how God made everything! Oh, I have to add that every story he told us ended with, “And they lived happily ever after,” and this one will too.

Read the entire scripture reference at Biblegateway in Genesis 1

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1 comment:

Katie Sherrill said...

Oh I love this devotion. I can see great grandpa doing this. Thank you for sharing such a special memory.