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Monday, July 12, 2010

Do we want what's right? Genesis 6:9-22

Do you ever think that our world is just as bad as in the time of Noah? Scripture says, “The earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence.” Some days I feel like we don’t live much different, but every once in awhile I get glimpses of hope. I see through the actions of others, we have not completely gone back to our “only evil, all the time” ways.

I saw a movie the other day that held one of those moments. I am a Twilight follower, for those of you who know what I’m talking about; please don’t hold that against me. I am a hopeless romantic who loves books and movies with a love story.

The most recent Twilight movie, Eclipse, had a scene that touched my heart. The audience is an active participant in Twilight movies, so when the female lead pursued a sexual relation with her male love interest, the theater was thick with anticipation.

What those, who had not read the book were not expecting, was the refusal. Edward, the male heartthrob told his soul mate, Bella, that he would not have sex until they were married. Can you believe it? In the year 2010 the summer’s biggest blockbuster hit does not have sex in it, because he wants to do the right thing. The main character proceeds to get down on one knee, proposing marriage. When she accepts the theater erupted in applause.

People still want what is right, even if they don’t know it. They would never have cheered if the two lovers had given in to their physical desires, but they cheered when they chose to wait. It seems we still have some hope.

Read the entire passage on Genesis 6:9-22

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