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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Covenant Confirmed - Genesis 15

Abram believed and trusted God. He took Him at His word. He hung onto His promise. This can be said about faith and living by faith today; believing God will do what He says He will do.

At times we may get stressed from lack of understanding when God takes His time to act on things. But we realize in His perfect will, He knows the right time to act.

In today’s reading we note that Abram is stressed and God reassures him by confirming His promise. The promise of a child or many children to Abram has not been completed. The same is true about the possession of land. He just doesn't see and understand God’s plan. Basically Abram has to trust God to fulfill His promise even long after Abram is dead.

The message seems to be that God is repeating His promise to test or prove Abram's faith. God is working in Abram's life. What really matters is Abram believes and trusts God when He speaks. He can’t see God, but he believes Him. It is all about faith alone!

God is looking today for hearts that are willing to believe, trust and obey Him. Today I am asking myself, "Could I respond to God as Abram did?" How is your heart?

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To read today's text on Biblegateway, click here for Genesis 15

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