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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blood Is Thicker Than Water, Genesis 14

I get a kick out of today’s passage. Two groups of allied kings fighting against each other, for fourteen years the wars rage. What are they fighting over? More than likely they fight for land, wealth, and power.

What makes me laugh is, when these unsuspecting kings raid Sodom and Gomorrah. As they seize all the goods and people Lot, Abram’s nephew, is among the captives. When Abram finds out that his flesh and blood has been taken he gathers together a little army and totally kicks butt. What the other kings couldn’t do in fourteen years Abram does in no time at all. Doesn’t that just make you chuckle?

Some have probably asked, “How did he do that?” We know how he was able to come out the victor though. We also know how he was able to, not only rescue Lot, but also every other person and thing that was taken. He did it with God.

With God absolutely EVERYTHING is possible. Do you believe that? If you struggle trusting that, tell yourself every day. When life feels hopeless or you feel alone, tell yourself. If you feel forgotten or outnumbered, remind yourself EVERYTHING is possible with God.

I’m not saying everything will work out the way we want; I am saying that nothing is too big for God. No problem to complicated or shocking. No tragedy too overwhelming. God can handle it all and he can get us through an impossible situation too.

Read the entire scripture on Genesis 14

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