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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Remembering Sarah - Genesis 23

In today’s text, Abraham honors Sarah by mourning and weeping over her death. He secures a proper burial place for her in Hebron.

When I think of Sarah, I think of Abraham. Likewise, when I think of Abraham, I think of Sarah. Scripture doesn't say anything specific about their marriage. However through their stories, I consider them an admirable team.

Sarah did as her husband asked. She left behind family and everything familiar to her. She went with her husband on an unknown journey through strange lands and circumstances. It seems Sarah trusted her husband, throughout their marriage, as much as Abraham trusted God.

Abraham showed mutual regard for Sarah. Sarah suffered most of her life from the reality of not being able to have a child. There is no indication that Abraham ever berated her. She gave her servant girl, Hagar, to him so he might have a family. When Sarah could not tolerate the resultant situations with Hagar, she asked Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away. He was greatly distressed, but talked with God and carried through.

Sarah could be strong-willed, jealous, impatient, fretful and doubtful of God’s ability to always keep His promises. In spite of these failings, I see her as a devoted wife.

Abraham and Sarah both showed personal weaknesses and, at times, faltered in their faith. Their marriage had its imperfections, but it was strong on love, respect, and commitment to each other and to God. It was a marriage that put God first. This allowed God to accomplish His purposes.

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Judy Webb said...

What a sweet love story; for one another and for God. Thanks for sharing.

Judy Mathis said...

Good morning, Judy. What a blessing you are to me AND to God!Miss you...hope you are being filled and renewed.