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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Called to Be Different -- 1 Peter 1:13-25

I have been part of a Christian 12-Step Recovery program for a number of years.  As I learned about recovery and the difference between secular and Christian recovery, I began to grow and to change.  I understand what it means to be changed, to be different than I was a year ago and I have learned that I have responsibilities I did not recognize before.

1 Peter 1:13 "Prepare your minds for action..."  A relationship with Jesus requires that I am prepared everyday to do the next right thing, to take it one day at a time and to let God be God. 

A few verses later: 1 Peter 1:17 "Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear."  Those two words, reverent fear, struck me.  As one who used to live each day in fear--I had to pause and define referent fear.

The only fear to hang on to is reverent fear.  This fear equates to love and respect with wonder, awe and reverence.  We serve a mighty God who loves us equally and wants each and every one of us to be with Him in eternity.  We are called to live life as a saved sinner showered and washed clean by Jesus' blood and living in abounding grace.

To read the entire scripture text for today go to Biblegateway

Post your comments below or email us here.


Judy Mathis said...

Good Morning, Judy. Yours is a powerful message for today. Remembering everyday to prepare my mind for action...God is always up to something in my life. Living a life, showered and washed clean by Jesus...I am soooo loved! Thank you for starting my day with these thoughts. Miss you!!!!

Judy Webb said...

What a treat to check in and see your note. I pray all is well with you. This devo was fun to write, thanks for reading and commenting.

Bethany said...

Hey Judy,

Thank you for this short devotional. I've heard this passage several times this week. I will have to think more about due fear or reverent fear of God.
