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Monday, September 13, 2010

Mother May I...? Matthew 14:22-36

My son has a new phrase that I love, “Mom may I…” He is finally realizing my authority in his life. I don’t want to lord power over him, and I don’t need him to stroke my ego acknowledging I am in charge.

I simply want him to know he is not in charge. It is important to ask permission, some things are not good for us and he will not always be able to identify danger at four years old.

There are two instances in our passage today where people acknowledge Jesus authority. First, seeing Jesus walking on water, Peter says, “"Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." Peter knows he can’t do it without Jesus’ permission. Peter does not have the authority to command the water to hold his body weight, but Jesus does.

The second time is later when, “People brought all their sick to him and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed.” Those bringing the sick knew that with Jesus permission all they needed to do was touch the clothes he was wearing and their sick would be made well.

What area of your life needs surrendered to God's  authority? He desires to do amazing things for all who believe in Him. He is waiting for us to acknowledge we are not in charge and simply say, “Father may I…”

Read the entire passage on Biblegateway Matthew 14:22-36

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