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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Precious Stone 1 Peter 2: 1-12

When I went to get my hair cut the other day, my hair dresser was beaming. I didn’t hesitate but immediately asked her what was new. With pride she showed me her hand which was now decorated with a beautifully cut diamond. She was engaged.

When did the use of this precious stone start signifying an engagement? Some of you may know the answer to that question. I find it interesting that a diamond usually symbolizes an engagement. There are four precious gemstones, the diamond, emerald, sapphire, and ruby. The rarity, brilliance and durability of the stone make it so sought after.

In our scripture today, Jesus is described as a precious stone to those who trust in him. I would say that Jesus fits the definition of a precious stone, wouldn’t you? He is rare; actually he is one of a kind. There has never been another man who lived a perfect life and died for all of humanity.

He is brilliant, In Acts 21 Paul describes Jesus appearing to him as a brilliant light that even his companions saw but did not understand. Jesus is durable. He withstood the sin of the world while hanging on the cross. Taking upon himself the sin of the world, so that all who call on his name would be saved.

Yes, we should all beam like the bride of Christ, not wearing a ring, but rather clothed in his righteousness, the righteousness of the only true precious stone.

Read the entire passage on 1 Peter 2:1-12

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