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Monday, September 20, 2010

Peter Tries to Save Jesus - John 18:1-11

Jesus and His disciples gather in the garden where they have gone many times. Jesus is aware Judas knows they will be there. As Jesus enters the garden with His disciples, Judas brings the Roman soldiers and police.

Jesus goes to meet them. What awesome courage, love, and obedience he displays as He willingly prepares to go to the cross! He presents himself to the crowd and confirms He is the one they are looking for.

At this difficult time, Jesus isn't concerned about Himself. In His endless love and selflessness He makes sure Peter and all His disciples, His own, are protected. "If you are looking for me, then let these men go." (vs 8)

Jesus is in charge. He can touch and destroy everyone there, but this isn’t His plan. Peter compulsively jumps in and cuts off the ear of Malchus, the Chief Priest's servant. Jesus tells Peter to stop interfering. There is nothing he can do to keep Jesus from fulfilling God's plan.

Today's text prompts me to consider my own actions. How many times does the Lord say to me, "Stop, get out of my way. Let me do My work?" I tend to jump ahead, take charge, and sometimes mess things up. I am reminded of the wisdom of letting go and allowing the Lord to carry out His plans.

Because of Jesus' unselfish sacrifice on the cross I receive His endless love. He sets me free and protects me every day. I am grateful for His presence in my life.

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Read today's text, John 18:1-11, on Biblegateway. Use the return arrow to come back to this page.

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