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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Peter's First Denial of Jesus -- John 18:12-18

Talk is cheap. Anyone of us can claim our loyalty to another when everything is going along good. It is easy to vow faithfulness and support to a colleague when life is running smooth. It is humbling to recognize we all have the potential to be a "fair-weather friend' to someone we care about. It is difficult to admit, but I might crumble just like Peter did if faced with a similar situation.

The rubber meets the road when we are called upon to follow through with our pledge; to stand with a friend when they are in the midst of major troubles. This is where we find Peter right now. Jesus and all the disciples were in the garden, praying, when the Roman contingent arrived.

Peter watched as his beloved friend was bound, and arrested. An army of Roman soldiers took Him away like a common criminal. Peter, like many of us might, allowed his fear to override his promise to lay down his life for his Lord. In fact, Peter denied being a disciple. Jesus knew this would happen; knew and yet still loved Peter.

We all can take such comfort from this fact. There is nothing we can do to make Jesus love us more, and there is nothing we can do to make Him love us less. Wow, that is powerful Good News!

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