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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Grace Giving -- 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

As a young girl growing up, I had this wonderful relationship with my grandparents.  I never doubted their love for me. Often they would take me shopping for school supplies or take me out to dinner with them.  I knew they cared for me, and their generosity was part of the proof.  They were not rich, but they shared what they had.  Not only their possessions, but their time.  They were like two yellow roses in a sea of despair.

Grandma and Grandpa would lavish me with attention, not spoiling me, but caring for me. As an adult, I can appreciate all the sacrifices they made to dote on me in this manner.  Their example of unconditional love has helped to shape me today.  It is important to have examples to follow; it is good to have someone who will set the bar high so that we have to stretch in order to follow the model laid out for us.

Paul is teaching the people of Corinth a lesson in love when he tells them about the experience he had in Macedonia.  He shared about the life of poverty and hardships the Macedonians lived yet they were so very generous.  He said (2 Corinthians 8:2) because they recognized their salvation and lived in the Joy of that salvation, "their over-flowing joy...welled up in rich generosity."

Giving is a natural response to Christian love.  The Macedonians understood the word stewardship and recognized all they had was God's.  I long for that type of sincere love too.

To read the complete text for today click here .  To return to this posting hit the back arrow.

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