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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A New Way To Help, Luke 7:11-17

Has your heart ever gone out to a stranger? Can you think of a time when you helped someone you didn’t know and they hadn’t even asked for your help? You just saw they had great need and so you gave them a hand. We can all think of times when we have helped a friend or even a stranger who asked for help but have you stopped and gave to the silently needy.

I hope I’m not putting you on the spot today. I was just struck in a new way with today’s scripture. Luke says that as Jesus is entering a town called Nain he sees a widow who is now burying her only son and his heart goes out to her. Jesus turns to the woman and says, “Don’t cry” he then tells the boy to get up.

We see all through scripture Jesus healing people who ask him for help. Jesus even heals those who secretly reach out and touch his robe. This time though we see Christ offering to help a total stranger who hasn’t even asked for his help. Wow! Let’s be like Jesus and not only help those who come to us with a need, but let’s be aware of those who don’t even ask.

Read today passage on Biblegateway Luke 7:11-17

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