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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Even a Little Faith Counts, Matthew 28:16-20

I have to confess something to you. My faith has a lot of room for improvement. Do I shock you? I hope not. I am a normal person on this faith journey just like everyone else. When I write these devotions, I write them for myself as well.

When I read today’s passage I saw that I was in good company. In today’s verses we read, “Jesus' eleven disciples went to a mountain in Galilee, where Jesus had told them to meet him. They saw him and worshiped him, but some of them doubted.” Here they are, only a short time since the crucifixion. Jesus has sent messages through some women that the disciples were to go to Galilee to meet him.

Jesus had told his disciple, prior to his death, that he would be killed and rise to life again so here they are. Did you see the last five words, “but some of them doubted.” I think I might have been among the doubters. I would have been so wrapped up in the emotion of knowing my savior died, that I probably would have questioned if he could possible come back to life.

Yes, some of the disciples doubted but don’t miss the fact that they showed up. They wanted to believe and we don’t see Jesus reprimanding them for their doubt, rather he commissions them into his service. If you are like me and see where your faith needs improvement, don’t lose hope. Keep showing up! Jesus will continue to work on you and in you to change the world.

Read today's passage at Biblegateway Matthew 28:16-20

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