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Thursday, May 19, 2011

John 10:7-18

Many years ago I enjoyed watching a daytime television game show called, "Let's Make a Deal."  My favorite part of the show was the ending, when the contestants, who were still in the game, were given the opportunity to go for one last prize. The only catch being they had to guess which door the jackpot was behind; door number 1, number 2 or number three.  The suspense was built up to the very moment the final decision was made..."I'll take door number three, Monty."

Often, the contents of one door would be revealed and the contestant had to decide to grab that one or take his chances and try for an even better prize behind another door.  What a blessing for us as Christians that we do not have to play games like this when it comes to salvation -- the greatest prize of all time!  Jesus says He is the gate (door), "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture." (John 10:9)

We don't have to play games, we don't have to wonder what's behind the mysterious door.  We know that Jesus is the Door, the Gate, the Way.  We don't have to guess, just open the door and walk right in.

Read the John 10:7-18 text here.

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