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Monday, July 25, 2011

Acts 15:1-21

A few years ago I was offered a job that was just too good to believe.  I remember feeling inadequate and not up to the par of the others I would be working with. It wasn't that I did not want the job, I was feeling like I wasn't good enough.  It wasn't humility so much as backward pride -- if that makes any sense.

If felt I needed to fulfill some unknown qualifications, that I needed a different pedigree.  God chose to bless me with the job of my dreams, and it ended up giving me everything I needed to face the future.  One moment in time can do this for us.  One moment in time can change us, our outlook and even our personality, for ever.

"No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” (Acts 15:11)

We find the disciples trying to iron out the beliefs of the people, to clear up some old customs, ways of thinking, that were keeping the people from hearing the message of Good News.  Paul and Barnabas and the others were teaching about Jesus.  The message they shared was that Jesus came to save everyone, not just the Jews but everyone. 

Just as I didn’t feel position I was worthy of the position offered me, neither are any of us (Jew or Gentile) deserving of God’s grace nor the love of our Savior, Jesus. It is a gift.

Read today's text, Acts 15:1-21, here.

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