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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Too Much Information!! - Acts 15:22-35

There were times when I was in school and a new subject was introduced, I would get confused in the beginning.  Often it seemed like I would never catch on, there seemed to be so much to it.  But the teachers would break it down for us, making it easier to understand the topic; especially when fed in small bites.  It became easier to swallow also, (sorry, I could not resist) allowing for minds to absorb the new subject and understand it better and more quickly. 

"It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things." (Acts 15:28-29)

Members of the early Christian church had much to learn and they too at times were confused. Some who were neither authorized nor qualified to teach the people, did so anyway.  Because they were not will equipped to teach, their instructions were not accurate and only made the new followers puzzled.  

Upon learning of this confusion, the apostles and elders chose some special men to instruct the Gentile believers.  They made it as simple as possible so as to encourage the people.  Christianity doesn't have to be difficult nor confusing when learned from the right teachers. Like students everywhere, anything new to the mind will take time and patience to learn.  If you have questions, seek out someone you know to be an ardent follower and ask questions.

Read Acts 15:22-35

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