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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Paul and Barnabas Split Up - Acts 15:36-16:5

"Tempers flared, and they ended up going their separate ways: Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus; Paul chose Silas and, offered up by their friends to the grace of the Master, went to Syria and Cilicia to build up muscle and sinew in those congregations." (Acts 15:39-41 MSG)

Paul and Barnabas have a disagreement and they part company.  Wow, that is really surprising, isn't it?  Two faithful followers of Jesus Christ, who have everything in common, have a falling out.  The contention is strong enough for the two of them to go their separate ways and team up with others as they continue to do the work set out for them.  This sounds sort of like a bad news/good news scenario don't you think?

It would seem that now there is even more coverage for spreading the Good News.  God can use everything for His good.  This scripture also points out the likelihood that faithful followers and leaders will not always agree.  We need to recognize this when it happens in our midst; and it probably will.

Disagreements don't always mean that someone is wrong - it simply emphasizes how we can look at an issue from different angles and see different perspectives.  God did make us different, with varied talents, skills, likes and dislikes.  God doesn't make mistakes.

Day after day the congregations became stronger in faith and larger in size. (Acts 16:6 MSG)

Read Acts 15:36-16:5 here

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