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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Be Shepherds - Acts 20:28-38

A year ago the theme for our Vacation Bible School was the 23rd Psalm.  I was given a book to read based on that Psalm and it taught all about sheep.  I was amazed with what I learned about these cute, cuddly, soft looking animals.  I learned they are not too smart, and they need to be led around by a shepherd for their very existence.

These creatures that God choose to use as examples in some of the parables, are dependent upon man for survival.  Given to their own devices they would perish.  I am grinning as I realize this is the exact reason Jesus chose this animal as His parallel example to us.  

I know that if I am left alone to figure life out, left without the Holy Spirit to call upon for guidance and understanding, I would be lost.  I am like that sheep who wanders away, gets caught up in some brambles, falls down and cannot get up again.      

Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. (Acts 20:28)

Thank you Jesus, you care enough to chase after me when you only count 99. Thank you Jesus, when you find me, you pick me up and lovingly carry me home in your arms. What a beautiful picture I have in my mind right now.
Read the Acts 20:28-38 text here.

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