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Friday, August 19, 2011

God Uses All Opportunities - Acts 23:23-33

A group of women were gathered one day for Bible Study and the subject of prayer was brought up.  One person wondered why anyone would pray for God to help them find their car keys.  Another questioned a friend's statement that she asks God to help her select the right menu or recipe for dinner for her family.

A few couldn't understand why anyone would bother God with such mundane issues.  The discussion then turned to how much God wants to be involved in our lives, even the everyday bumps we come up against.  Some just couldn't or wouldn't want to believe God wanted to be part of everything they did.

"Then he called two of his centurions and ordered them, “Get ready a detachment of two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea at nine tonight. Provide horses for Paul so that he may be taken safely to Governor Felix.” (Acts 23:23-24)

The story told in our Scripture passages for today has all the drama of an academy award winner. Almost 500 Roman soldiers are escorting Paul to safety.  Forty men lay in wait and God provides 500 guards.  He never does anything in a small way!  He will help you find your car keys when you are late for an important meeting.  He will guide your selection for dinner when you are trying to make your family happy, just as readily as He will direct the surgeon's hands during a delicate operation. He cares about all aspects of our lives.  That gives me comfort.

Read the Acts 23:23-33 text here.

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