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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lessons of Life - 1 Timothy 4:6-16

Paul is teaching Timothy, he is mentoring him to grow up strong in God's Word.  Has there been someone in your life who has done this for you?  Are you in a mentoring relationship with someone you can help grow?

We all need teachers at some point in our lives; actually I think maybe our entire lives, as we grow from one stage to another.  There is always something going on in our life that requires us to learn how to get through it and to survive.  All these 'teaching moments' are beneficial to our maturity.  I might be in my 60's but life is constantly stretching me; giving me new life lessons.

I read today, "The only thing that helps no one is a dead calm."  There are days I would like to test this statement, you too?  But I do see the truth in those words.  It was when I was covered in the muck of my life I turned to the One who could wash me clean.  When I seek out truth or direction by turning to Scripture, I am never disappointed; challenged maybe, but not disappointed.

A goal for each of us this week is to be as devoted to the Word as Paul and Timothy were.  God will then use us to mentor someone else; to help them Grow up Strong in God's Word.

Read the 1 Timothy 4:6-16 text here.

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