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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Candle in the Darkness - Psalm 119:105-112

Are you afraid of the dark?  Living in the north woods of Wisconsin gives new meaning to the words, "dark outside."  When night falls, it is very dark out.  That was one of the first big differences I noticed about life in the country as opposed to the city.  I need lamps to light my way after dark.

Sometimes life itself seems very dark and it seems easy to loose my way.  When forced into a new lifestyle, a strange atmosphere of living alone; dark can overwhelm.  There are those times in life when it is very difficult to discern a path to take or a direction to turn.  I need a lamp to light my way in the dark.

Years of living without a personal relationship with Jesus had me in the dark all the time.  Then a light was shone and the path became clearer.  Have you noticed your way being illuminated once you decided to grow closer to God?  Are you, like me, drawn to the light after having experienced the dark?  Do you also need a lamp to light up your life?

"Your word is a lamp for my feet,  a light on my path." (Psalm 119:105)  Growing Up Strong in God's Word sheds light on my world allowing me to see more clearly.

Read the text for today's reading, Psalm 119:105-112.

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