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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Matthew 5:14-30 The Parable of the Talents

The gifts we have been blessed with are immeasurable! Splendid mountains and oceans, indescribable sunsets and starlit nights, sunshine, birds, butterflies, and fireflies, waterfalls, and fishing. Closer to our hearts and to varying degrees, we are all offered health, love, peace, family, and the ability to express our beliefs and faith. Still deeper within each one of us, God has strategically placed unique gifts-talents he urges us to use for good.

Matthew writes "The Parable of the Talents" as a lesson for us. A reminder of what God expects. No matter how large or small the gift we feel we've been given is, there is a purpose for it and an expectation.

In this gospel reading, the master went away (as God did) and entrusted his property to his servants(as God did). He gave the three of them "talents" according to their ability (as God has). He returned with expectations (as God will) that his servants had done something with the talents they'd been given, that would increase his wealth (God's heavenly kingdom perhaps)? How are we using our talents? Are we burying them for safe keeping as the third servant did, or investing what we have in His name, with the greater picture in mind?

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