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Friday, October 7, 2011

Romans 15:23-33

My memory is not what it used to be; can you relate?.  I love to read books and would never consider reading the same book twice.  Now I am often half way through a book before I realize I have read it before, but I don't remember the ending so I might as well continue.  Sound familiar?

That said, I find that there is always something new for me when I read through Scripture.  A text I have read before, will be new, and not because of my memory issues.  There is never a reason to stop and ask myself, "Have I read this before?"  When in the Word, God always speaks to me where ever I am at this time in my life.  I may have studied this text only 6 months previous, but life has changed me and my view on the world and God.  The Word will be fresh and alive and speaking to me as though I am hearing for the first time.

In the text today I hear Paul asking for prayers for himself.  I love it!  Just today I was at a Bible Study and we were sharing prayer requests and I was struck by the fact that of the 14 women around the table only two asked for prayers for themselves.  I don't know about you, but I am one of my biggest prayer concerns.  I have lots of others I pray for; many whom I love are hurting and need my prayers, but if I don't get myself taken care of I won't have the heart to pray for them.

"I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me." (Romans 15:30)

Read the Romans 15:23-33 text here.  Listen to the Romans 15:23-33 here.

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