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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Luke 13: 6-9 A Year Of Fruit

Parables are so cool! I believe Jesus uses them to relate to us through our every day lives, and encourage us to think. He appeals to us through symbolism and lessons that encourage us to apply biblical stories to our life situations. A wise elderly man once told me and my husband something I have never forgotten. Sam slowly and thoughtfully stated as he gazed up into the bright, blue, summer sky, "You know what's wrong with the world these days? No one just sits and takes time to think."

This parable in Luke tells of a vinyard owner who had a fig tree planted, but after three years it still was not bearing fruit. The man told the vinyard caretaker he wanted the tree uprooted because he had been coming to look for fruit for so long and there was none. The caretaker appealed to the owner to give the tree more time. He said, "Leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down."

How does this apply to us and others in your lives? Are we the tree, the fertilizer, the vineyard owner, the caretaker? What does God want us to be? Do we have what it takes to be the caretaker of the vineyard, or should we be seeking a caretaker, fertilizer, sun and rain? Was the caretaker doing his job? Perhaps we just need a little more time to fertilize another to bring him into good standing with our Eternal Vineyard Owner. What will it take to be a strong, fruit producing tree in the new year? Sure does promote thought doesn't it? Thank you Sam.
Thank you Jesus!

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