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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Matthew 18:23-35

What an interesting parallel appears in the scriptures today.  This is the familiar story of the man who owed his master lots of money and his note was being called in.  There was the threat of imprisonment for him and selling his family into slavery to satisfy the debt.  The story continues with the servant begging his master for time.  The master ended up forgiving the debt - behavior unheard of in that time.

But, as the story goes, the servant did not have the same heart as his master for he turned right around and demanded payment for a debt owed him which was much smaller than the one he was just released from.  Showing no mercy, he had the debtor thrown in prison.

Financial difficulties can make one feel like they are in prison.  Having an unforgiving heart can do the same thing. “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” (Matthew 18:35)  It is a very difficult thing to ask for forgiveness; it is most humbling and forces us to admit we were wrong.  It is equally difficult to grant that forgiveness to someone who has wronged us.

The parable Jesus is telling today is confirming how forgiveness goes two ways. It takes courage to beg for someone to give us another chance, to say we are sorry. It requires humility to put ourselves in a position where we might be rejected. On the other side of the coin, to grant forgiveness for an act that compromised our faith in another isn't easy either. But, not to ask forgiveness and not to grant this same forgiveness leaves all parties in a prison of their own making.

This is where God's Grace takes over. Praise God for Grace.

Read the text here.

Listen to the text here.

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