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Friday, March 9, 2012

Matthew 9:9-13

"As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth.“Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him." (Matthew 9:9)

This verse is a testimony to me of how I want to see other people; how I want to accept others no matter what their life may be cluttered with.  There is a note I wrote in the margin of my Bible from a previous study.  I have the word "man" in verse nine circled.  There is a comment "not a tax collector" right next to it.  The teacher from that study was emphasizing the fact Jesus saw and called a man.  He did not see someone who was hated and whose integrity was questionable.  Jesus saw a man with potential; a man who could be taught and who could be loved.  What vision.

The truly amazing thing is Jesus still calls people in this fashion.  When Jesus called me into ministry I felt unworthy and inadequate for the work set before me.  I questioned, "Who am I?  I am unschooled and a believer new to the concept of building a personal relationship with Jesus."  That ministry ended up being the exact place Jesus wanted me to be.  As I mentioned a week ago, He doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.

It is equally amazing that Matthew followed Jesus without hesitation or hedging. Jesus said, "Follow me," and Matthew got up and followed. I want to be like Matthew, and respond willingly to a call to serve. Jesus saw something in Matthew, and knew he would be an asset. When Jesus calls us for a given area of service it is because He sees something in us too.  

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