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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Matthew 7:1-6

Be Disciples: Do Not Judge

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

We do this all of the time, and typically without even realizing it. Our human nature is to observe and dissect the behavior of others. As young children we use these observations to learn, but it doesn't take long and these observations turn into judgments, caddy thoughts and cruel comments when we are teenagers. One would think that as we reach adulthood these tendencies would diminish, but not necessarily. It is something we must work on daily.

Scripture frequently reminds us to leave the judging to the Lord. It is not our place to internally or externally determine that what others do, is or is not favorable, right, or acceptable. "Live and let live" is not a biblical phrase, but is also a calling to live well. With my middle school students I use "MYOB." They do not like it, but it makes them think, and challenges them to focus on themselves. Perhaps we all need that reminder. We have enough to work on with ourselves and WE should be our focus, not others. God has challenged each of us to follow his word and be the best person we can be. How can we do that if we are focusing on the behavior of others? We can't clearly see much of anything with that plank in our eye!

Read entire passage here
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