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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Matthew 7:7-14

Matthew is such an awesome book! It is entirely dedicated to illustrating what the kingdom of God is, and how to get there. It is impossible for us to imagine what it is like in His world. Our minds cannot possibly wrap around its wonder and majesty. We must simply trust……….. as it says in Proverbs 3:5-6, one of my favorite bible passages, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”

When I was a young teen, I remember attending the 11:00 service in the basement of our church. It was a guitar mass, with uplifting music played by young people, which was quite unusual for a conservative church at that time. I recall walking there by myself many Sundays, and feeling like I truly had a friend in Jesus. I know He was guiding me there for a purpose. At the time I did not think about where the words of the songs came from, but as I have gotten older and comfortable holding my own bible and learning directly from it, I realize the power within His word. I can still hear the refrain from one of those songs in my head;

“Knock, knock the door will open, seek and you will find.
Ask you will receive, from the maker of mankind.”

These words come from Matthew 7:7-8. The song continues with more of Matthew, and the overall message is from Matthew 7:12, regarding how we are to treat others the way we wish to be treated. As I stated in last Sunday’s Bible Blast, music is powerful! It is a traveling bible, perfect for reminding ourselves of his relentless pursuit of us, and for revealing His great love to others. So play, listen to and sing His word!

Read entire passage here
Listen here

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