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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Psalm 33:1-11

Psalm 33:11 (NIV)  But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.

There are days when we wonder if anything anyone says is for real; especially during the season before an election.  We often wonder if we can count on anything being true; if any promises that have been made will be kept.  This same issue spills over into our everyday lives as we deal with bosses who promise the moon but never deliver, of advertiser's claims of the effectiveness of their products only to have them fall short.

We might think customer service a thing of the past, or honesty a virtue only losers practice. Parents are wishy-washy with the discipline of their children; movies promote infidelity as thrilling and faithfulness as dull. When we contemplate these things it is natural to come to the realization we live in an upside down world. Jesus came to turn us right side up.

When we wonder if there is anyone we can trust, there is. No matter how topsy-turvy the season in your life is, or even the day or the moment, we can turn to God and see how it is supposed to be. We can turn to the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, and read how it was God's Word that made everything. We find in James 1:17 God doesn't change. We are taught in scripture that our yes should mean yes and no mean no.

If you journal your prayers and concerns and then also record the answers to those prayers you will find God is consistent. His direction and promises to each of us can be counted on. We can be certain His Word is true and will not change tomorrow. I need to learn how to live just like this.

Psalm 33:11 (MSG) GOD's plan for the world stands up, all his designs are made to last.

Read Psalm 33:1-11 here.

Listen to Psalm 33:1-11 here.

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