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Sunday, May 20, 2012

2 Kings 5:1-15

 A valiant soldier, plagued with leprosy.

Then and now, many are challenged with some sort of illness or emotional trial and have no promise of relief. Naaman was one of God’s faithful ones. “Through him the Lord had given victory to Aram.” He knew of God and his capabilities, so had expectations of some sort of hand waving miracle that would cure him. He was very disappointed when twice he did not experience healing, and  walked away without an instant cure. Elisha, the second man Naaman visited, had steered him in the right direction, but Naaman expected a direct experience from him, that would result in immediate restoration, so he turned away in anger as his expectations had not been met.

Fortunate for Naaman, his servants went to him and convinced him that what Elisha directed him to do was good and true. So he went to the Jordan and dipped himself seven times as Elisha told him to do. He was healed.

Many of us act as Naaman did. Though we know the Lord, we look to men of this world to help us through our trials. We go to the doctor to be fixed, we seek counseling for relief, and talk with friends about our woes to help us feel better. We forget God’s promise that if we knock the door will open and if we seek we will find. This story reminds us that our situations will likely not be immediately fixed upon our demand, but if we trust in God, and those He has sent to guide us, we will indeed be healed…… His way, and in His time.

Read 2 Kings 5:1-15 here
Listen to 2 Kings 5:1-15 here 

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