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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Luke 7: 11-17
moth-er: (noun)
-title for nun, used as a title or form of address for a senior nun in a religious community
-title for woman of advanced years, used as a title of respect for a woman past middle age
-female parent, a woman who has a child, or a female that has produced young
-originator, a woman regarded as the creator, instigator, or founder of something

moth-er:  (transitive verb)
mothered, mothering, mothers 
taking care of somebody with tenderness, to look after someone with great care and affection, sometimes to an excessive degree

Mothers are many things; Blessings beyond words in most cases, excessive at times, but with an intense love for her children, no matter what. Mothers hold the type of love we imagine God has for all of us…..extreme, unconditional and unfailing. A lay down your life kind of love, only He really did!

What Jesus did for the widow in Luke 7 was the most perfect “Mother’s Day” gift ever.  Her son was given to her for a second time. He had died, and was being laid to rest. Just as the coffin was ushered in, his lifeless body was brought back to life and given once again to his mother.  “His heart went out to her and He said, “Don’t Cry.” He then performed the miracle. How could this mother ever put into words the thankfulness in her heart? The Lord’s unfailing love came through for her in an unexpected way, just as it does for us…always. Our sons, daughters, and other loved ones may not be given back to us, but we do have the promise of being reunited with them one day within our Father's house. On this Mother’s Day, may the blessings of our amazing God be revealed to you, and His presence a peace within you.

Read Luke 7:11-17 here
Listen to Luke 7:11-17 here

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