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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Romans 8:18-39

When trouble overwhelms our hearts and trials suffocate the spirit, do we ask why God has deserted us?  Do we question his loving and his kindness?  Turning to God during these times will answer these questions and will fill our being with courage to take the next step.  I used to wonder how I would face up under oppressive grief, now I know.  I would question if my faith would be strong enough to endure such pain.  Now I know that my faith has been made stronger midst the hurt.

Romans 8:35 (NIV) 
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

What are you thinking right now? What is breaking your heart today? How are you holding up; or who is holding you up? Christians are not exempt from hardship and burdens of this world. We just know who can get us through, who can transport us to the other side of the agony and give us hope.

Read Romans 8:18-39 here

Listen to Romans 8:18-39 here

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